What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is an entirely natural system of medicine. It can be used to treat most physical and emotional complaints. It is a vibrational therapy that encourages your own body system to heal itself naturally.
What conditions can it help?
Homeopathy may help a wide range of problems including :-
- Stress, Anxiety and Depression
- PMT and Menopausal symptoms
- Migraines
- Digestive complaints and IBS
- Arthritis
- Hay fever and other allergies
What can I expect during a consultation?
I will look at any issues you wish to address and examine the ‘whole you’ including your fears, likes, dislikes and your responses to various factors in order to select a remedy which closes matches your characteristics. I will describe how and when to take the remedy and what to expect afterwards. First consultations last approximately 60 to 90 minutes.
Price : first consultation (inc. remedy) - £50
Follow-up consultation (inc. remedy) - £50
Child first consultation (inc. remedy) - £40
Child follow-up consultation (inc.remedy) -£30
Liz has a diploma in clinical homeopathy. She has been a practising Homeopath for over 20 years.